Bridal Bouquet


Bridal Bouquet


If you are a bride or groom with a whimsical heart and a free-flowing spirit, please read on…

Our Bridal Bouquet features our farm-fresh, seasonal blooms that are artfully arranged and hand-tied with ribbon. This is a large, lush, and stunning bouquet! This is the perfect fit for a couple who knows and loves our signature garden-fresh style. You will get whatever blooms are in season and at their prime in the field. When you commit to using local flowers you are surrendering control and letting nature guide the art!


If you have a floral vision that is specific (required flowers, strict palette, detailed preferences, etc.) then this is NOT the right fit for you. I recommend that you seek out a floral designer or more traditional florist. They order-in their flowers, provide in person consultations and can create the vision you want.

Please note the following:

Pictures are examples only! You are not ordering these specific flowers/bouquets. This is just to give you an idea of the style and vibe of our bridal bouquets.

When checking out please choose the date you would like to pick up your flowers (typically flowers are picked up the morning of the wedding, but they will hold just fine if you pick them up the day before). We will finalize these details through email. If you are also ordering Bulk Buckets we recommend that you pickup the day before your wedding so you have time to arrange.

All orders are local pickup only! At the farm: 449 Westerly Bradford Rd in Westerly, RI.

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